Juraj Gábor: Wave Shape

8/12/2017 — 7/1/2018

I am standing alone on the shore and my gaze falls on the water. The sound of the water further focuses my concentration on the changing raster of waves. What am I looking for? This fascination with a seemingly monotonously repeated shape is a metaphor for life.

I try to find my way through this chaotic tangle of thoughts and to answer many of my questions. They come at me like one wave after another, and it is entirely up to me when to put an end to them. The peacefulness of the water comforts me. It calms my mind, which had initially felt lost within this unanchored space. The water is still here, but it is different with every moment. Its surface is transformed by changes in life. The wind determines the shape, direction, and speed of the waves. One cannot see their foundation, which was formed long before the result is visible to the eye.

Amidst the water, amidst the flowing waves, there is repeated the formal language of a rhythm, which at this particular moment is the only sign of the presence of time. The works of Juraj Gábor show us the feeling of a place. They tell their inner story in their own particular way, and yet they retain the fragility and contemplative spirit of minimalism.

Galerie 35m2 has become an empty form for a sculpture made of water. The viewer is its living medium, like the material sculptors pour into a form when casting their work. The work itself is anchored beneath the surface = the boundary between inner and outer space, the reactions to the brick ceiling, or the lighting and the act of depicting one shape from one second of life. In its own particular way, the exhibition Wave Shape is an illustrative demonstration of theorist Rosalind Krauss’s essay Sculpture in the Expanded Field. For the intimate space of the gallery, I shall conclude this text poetically, like the inner voice of a work “surrendering to the stream, belonging to the unity” that speaks for itself.

curated by Tereza Záchová

more of Juraje Gábora

Wave Shape UMA Audioguide