21. 12. 2022 – 14. 01. 2023, opening 20. 12. 2022 6pm
Fathia Mohidin (Stockholm, 1985) graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts in Stockholm and received the Bonniers Konsthall prize in 2020. The artist works with the theme of corporeality, connecting the body and its qualities with social themes. The physical, material properties of our bodies refer to the structure and the functioning of society itself. What is our individual role in the collective in contemporary society? How do we individually participate in its functioning? What is the vision of the current society?
Using material properties (the smell of the material, its acoustic and tactile properties, etc.) Mohidin creates multimedia spatial installations which manifest the role of the individual in society, in contemporary space that is organized, mechanized, connected, and global. Mechanized work in a digital and digitally organized age brings us back to the question of individuality and its physical and psychological reality, which is still present. The spatial installation materially and emotionally refers us to the current industrial environment, to commerce, transport, Amazon, DHL and others. This is an environment where we actively participate in the functioning of society with our individual work.
Curator: Lexa Peroutka

Photos: Peter Kolárčik